Australia - Melbourne Altona - Tayanika blowing out her candles

Birthdays en Route

We actually celebrated Tayanika’ s 3rd birthday two times, one time in Melbourne and one time in Tasmania. We had a yummy pre-birthday cake and songs with friends that had invited us to their house in “Altona” (sic!). A suburb southwest of Melbourne, not to confuse with that of Hamburg, despite it also being near […]

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Australia - Raymond Island - 1 year old youngster Koala

From Cutie to Spooky

Since our last Wildlife Spotting Blog, it got even better, as we had even Wildlife camping. To the kids delight, we had a lot more wallaby and kangaroo contact, than expected. On one campsite at Potato Point, in the middle of the Eurobodalla National Park, we were surrounded by Wallabies and Kangaroos. They were literally […]

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Australia - Jervis Bay - kangaroo with Joey in pouch crossing on bicycle journey

Kangaroo crossing!

You might believe it or not, but the Cliché that Downunder is full of wildlife is actually true. And this even on the populated East Coast south of Sydney. Thanks to the successful Aussie travel marketing and a dozen Australian animal children books, that we borrowed from our friends in Bali, we were well prepared. On our […]

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Australia - Wollongong beach - Finding the right Balance

Wishing everyone a truly Zen Year ahead!

Our Cycle Tour during the last 8 months in Asia Pacific has had so many Zen moments, that it truly deserves its name “Zen Tour”. For the year 2017 we are wishing our family, friends and every living being a truly Zen Year! Zen can be translated as “meditative state” (Mahayana Buddhism). Aims of meditation techniques […]

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Amazing first day in Australia

What a great first day down under. Sydney welcomed us with a soothing scent of Eucalyptus and a brilliant blue sky dotted with shiny white clouds.  While we rode through the beautiful Centennial Park we started chatting with a fellow cyclist. After finding out that Larry was also an avid cycle traveller he invited usfor […]

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