Wishing everyone a truly Zen Year ahead!

Love Nature - Tree Asana

Love Nature – Tree Asana

Our Cycle Tour during the last 8 months in Asia Pacific has had so many Zen moments, that it truly deserves its name “Zen Tour”.


New Perspectives

For the year 2017 we are wishing our family, friends and every living being a truly Zen Year!

Zen can be translated as “meditative state” (Mahayana Buddhism). Aims of meditation techniques are amongst others: achieve relaxation, clear and/ or self regulation of the mind, build internal energy and life force, improve health (mental and physical), develop compassion, love, patience, generosity, and forgiveness.

Family Yoga

Family Yoga and Meditation

The ultimate aim is to maintain this state of mind during daily life. Which we find pretty hard at times. While most associate meditation with a quiet lotus sitting position and yoga breathing techniques, it can be achieved in many ways. For us cycling can lead to a meditative state of mind. Cycle Touring helps us to clear thoughts, develop positive feelings become happy and content…if the riding is not to hard, too hot, to wet too cold or roads too busy 😉

Exercising in nature, being together as a family and reducing stuff and distraction provides freedom and clarity. We therefore feel more open for new ideas, people and environments.

The five weeks of intensive Yoga classes in Bali made also us appreciate Yoga as a moving/flowing way towards a clear and content state of mind and a healthy body. And last but not least being in nature and experience the beauty around us is another amazingly simple way of achieving a Zen state of mind.


Finding the right Balance